Annual Event 2024

Would you like to learn more about the annual event of Luchtvaart in Transitie?

Then you are in the right place! On this page, you will find more information about the annual event on October 3, 2024, including details about the program, the speakers, and how to register.

Annual Event 2024

Luchtvaart in Transitie (LiT) is organizing its annual event on October 3, 2024, in Madurodam, The Hague.

The event will focus on the transition to sustainable aviation, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges that come with this change. Three key themes will be central:

  • Opportunity
  • Community
  • Tenacity

With these themes and the inspiring speakers we have invited, it promises to be an engaging and motivating day.

Register below for our annual event or read more about the program and the speakers on this page.


Foto Lodewijk Asscher

Lodewijk Asscher

Chairman of the Sustainable Aviation Table (DLT)

Foto Erik Geertsema

Erik Geertsema

CEO Conscious Aerospace & Board Member of Luchtvaart in Transitie

Foto Brigit Gijsbers

Brigit Gijsbers

Deputy Director General Aviation and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Foto Helen Kuyper

Helen Kuyper

Head of the Sustainable Aviation Department and Deputy Director of Aviation, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Foto Tjerk Opmeer

Tjerk Opmeer

Acting Director General Business and Innovation, Ministery of Economic Affairs

Foto Birgit Otto

Birgit Otto

Chairwoman of the International Advisory Council of Luchtvaart in Transitie


12.00 - 13.30Registration, lunch, and networking
  • Market square: Several LiT projects represented with teams to discuss and engage
13.30 - 13.35Welcome and introduction to the programme

  • Ron van Manen, Project Director

  • Marinda Hall, Host and Moderator

13.35 - 13.45Opening Address

  • Aad Veenman, Chairman of Luchtvaart in Transitie

  • Brigit Gijsbers, Deputy Director General Aviation and Maritime Affairs of the Ministery of Infrastructure and Water Management

13.45 - 15.15Plenary programme

  • Tjerk Opmeer, Acting Director General Business and Innovation of the Ministery of Economic Affairs
    Opportunity: extracting enduring earning power within a global industry in transition

  • Erik Geertsema, CEO Conscious Aerospace and Board Member Luchtvaart in Transitie
    Community: constructing a cohesive community to tackle aviation’s innovation challenges

  • International Panel: Leveraging collaboration and synergies to accelerate the transition

15.15 - 15.45Break and networking
  • Market square: Several LiT projects represented with teams to discuss and engage
15.45 - 16.45Plenary programme

  • Lodewijk Asscher, Chairman Netherlands Sustainable Aviation Roundtable

  • Helen Kuyper, Head of Sustainable Aviation Dept. and Deputy Director of Aviation at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

    Tenacity: the urgency, focus and commitment to address the challenges facing aviation

  • Panel: Exciting, engaging and empowering our next generation of aviation professionals

    Featuring Birgit Otto, Chair of the LiT International Advisory Council, representatives from the Human Capital Agenda and student/young professional associations

16.45 - 17.00Closing Statements

  • Ron van Manen, Project Director

  • Aad Veenman, Chairman of Luchtvaart in Transitie

17.00 - 18.30Drinks and Networking
  • Market square: Several LiT projects represented with teams to discuss and engage


Sign up for the Luchtvaart in Transitie Annual Event 2024 via the button below.

The event is open to everyone, and we encourage everyone to pre-register.

Due to limited capacity, we will evaluate the number of registrations in September and decide if everyone can receive a ticket. You will be informed of this by email.