Lightweight composites and structures

What is the goal of the project?

The goal of the project is to develop innovative production technologies, methods, and designs using new lightweight thermoplastic composite materials. This is a field in which the Netherlands already leads globally in aviation. These developments result in a 10%–15% weight reduction of the aircraft, a 20%–30% cost reduction, and at least a 30% reduction in environmental impact.

How did the idea originate?

The idea originated from the realization that the Netherlands possesses unique knowledge and expertise in lightweight thermoplastic composites. Since weight reduction plays a crucial role in lowering emissions, the development of new lightweight composites and associated processing techniques presents both opportunities for Dutch businesses and research institutions and contributes to aviation’s emission reduction goals.

How does your project contribute to sustainable aviation?

The project contributes to sustainable aviation by developing lighter solutions for aircraft structures, such as wings, tails, and fuselages. This reduces the amount of fuel needed for transportation, leading to lower emissions.

What have you achieved so far?

  • Developed a new family of thermoplastic composite materials.
  • Multiple project partners have successfully processed and tested these materials for manufacturability using innovative techniques.
  • The results are so promising that the next step can be taken toward validation through prototypes.

What are the next steps for your project?

  • Further development of the materials and techniques.
  • Validation through a series of prototypes.

Project contact person

The contact person for this project is Arnt Offringa,

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