
The 12 subprojects of Aviation in Transition are divided into categories: Sustainable Technology, Sustainable Knowledge & Sustainable Ecosystems.


Advanced Electrical Wiring

This project aims to develop advanced high-power wiring systems to accommodate increased electrical power for hybrid-electric…

Hydrogen Aircraft Powertrain and Storage Systems (HAPSS)

The project focuses on translating proven technologies from the automotive and maritime industries into solutions for aviatio…

Hydrogen Conversion Turbofan

The project "Hydrogen Conversion Turbofan" (HOT) aims to develop a retrofit modification, enabling existing jet aircraft to b…

Lightweight composites and structures

In this project, Dutch companies and knowledge institutes collaborate on the development of innovative production technologie…

Cooling Systems and Turbo Compressors

To apply hydrogen-electric powertrains on board future low-emission aircraft, new cooling systems and turbo compressors are r…