Key Documents

On this page you can find different downloads pertaining Aviation in Transition and her projects. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.


Poster Promising Research WP2.6 Investigation of Kerosene-Hydrogen Mixtures: Kinetics and Emissions Analysis

Poster Promising Research WP2.6 Investigation of Particulate and Gaseous Emission from Hydrogen Assisted Combustion of Kerosene

Poster Promising Research WP2.5 H2Crash: Influence of AFP Features and Low Temperatures on Delamination

Poster Promising Research WP2.5 H2Crash: Crashworthiness of Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft

Poster Promising Research WP2.4 AeroTherm: Aerothermal Management Technologies for Sustainable Aviation

Poster Promising Research WP2.3 Microstructure Effects on Leakage in Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage

Poster Promising Research WP2.2 Pipistrel LH2 Range Extender

Poster Promising Research WP2.1 NLR Thermal Management Tools for Hydrogen Powered Aircraft

Poster Promising Research WP1.7 CirCarBio: Smart and Circular Composite Materials

Poster Promising Research WP1.6 Ultra-efficient Load Introduction into Composite Structures

Poster Promising Research WP1.5 Low-Noise Propeller Concepts

Poster Promising Research WP1.4 New (Virtual) Qualification Approach for Metal AM Parts

Poster Promising Research WP1.3 Multi-Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Poster Promising Research WP1.2 Non-Traditional Laminates

Poster Promising Research WP1.1 Active Load Alleviation

Slide Deck Finance Table Sustainable Aviation

Information Brochure: Intellectual property in innovation and cooperation

Program start event the 15th of February 2023

Results 2nd Evaluation Round National Growth Fund

Infographic 2nd round National Growth Fund